Saturday, April 01, 2006

Jesus Cares in All Things


Listen to this awesome series of events: a lady who knows my friend is moving from her condo in San Diego, and she wanted to get rid of some stuff, so she called said friend. Since Friend and I are planning to move in together, I was included in this give-away. We got a matching couch and chair, 3 wing-back chairs, a coffee table, two nightstands, a chest of drawers, a stereo, quilts and pillows, a spice rack (my personal favorite!), some dishes, and some other random things. FOR FREE! The catch was, we had to figure out how to get down there and move it, which included finding a vehicle that would move the stuff, and finding a place to store it for a few months.
God really used this as a time to test our faith and patience in waiting on Him. Wednesday of this week rolled around, the stuff had to be out by Thursday, and we needed help, but everyone (including ourselves) was busy! We were also getting some pressure to figure things out, but details weren't yet falling into place. This was the time for faith. The Lord had provided us with furniture, now we had to trust that He would provide the way to get it. Earlier in the week Friend's friend mentioned, in a random conversation, that she needed furniture for their new apartment...So! instant "storage" for the next few months! Friend's dad was convinced to let us store the stuff in his garage for two days until the friend of Friend could get the stuff. In-a-pinch storage! Still, Wednesday afternoon was closing and we still didn't know how we'd move everything. I was checking out renting a U-Haul pick-up truck, but that's money I really didn't have. Around 4:30 p.m. Friend calls and says, "Guy from our church small group is letting us use his truck, we can go right now. The key to the condo is in the patio, so we can do it by ourselves." WOOHOO!
Some people think that Jesus doesn't do miracles like He did when He was living in Judea more than 2000 years ago, but I disagree. The difference is that He lives in us, if we believe in Him. This means the miracles may manifest themselves differently, and we may even overlook them because we see them as a fluke, an accident, or an amazing phenomenon, instead of interaction of the Mighty God in time and space, in our lives. James 5:16 says that "the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." I believe that. I believe that God wants to intervene in situations in our lives, not only to make our lives better, but to show His character, that He loves and cares for us in the details. He's with us always, oftentimes waiting for us to ask Him to show Himself. When we ask Him, believing that He will, He does. That's how good He is.

1 comment:

jawolheter said...

Hey there! We heard you will be in the Jackson area before too long. Can't wait to see you. We put up new pictures on our blogspot if you want to check them out.

Miss Ya,
the Wolheters :)