Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Update Central

Left: DCPI Staff, representing four continents!

Brothers and sisters, I greet you with a holy kiss.

This past month has been a whirlwind! What an incredible blessing it has been to be working in the Lord’s service! This past week was the culmination of weeks of preparation when we at Dynamic Church Planting International had our first ever Global Strategy Event (Feb. 16-18). Leaders from Africa (Ghana, Kenya, Benin, Congo-Kinshasa), India, South and North America gathered to seek God’s strategy in how to focus our training efforts in the world.

Our time included planning sessions in which we brainstormed and shared potential strategies for leadership development and training in the many countries in which DCPI is working or planning to work. We laid out the plan for training events in the year 2006, solidified plans, incorporated suggestions in order to make our efforts more effective, strategized for the years 2007 and beyond. The whole time was woven in the security and peace of prayer.

By the end of our three days and 25 hours of meeting together, we are all encouraged as to the direction of our mission. The Lord reminded us of His amazing vision to impact the planting of 1 million dynamic, reproducing churches to reach the world (238 nations) for Christ. Just imagine, one million new churches in this world, the catalysts for positive change in millions, perhaps billions of lives! One million churches means more and more disciples of Christ ushering in the love of Christ into their neighborhoods, communities, cities, regions, countries, continents, the world! Oh! Praise Him!

Right: Rev. Emmanuel Donkoh, African Director, leading the African leaders in strategizing.

Below: Rev. Jayakumar, of India,
planning where to take training next.

On a more personal note, adjusting to life in my new home is going really well. The semester at APU is well under way. I’m in two classes: History of the Modern Church, and Church and Society. Both provide for interesting discussion on where we are as a society and what we can learn from how the Church has behaved both positively and negatively throughout its history. I am truly enjoying my classmates, men and women of God who bring to the table various experiences and challenges from lives lived with Christ and in ministry.

This past weekend I began training to work with the local Pregnancy Resource Center. The office is a short walk from where I work (as is my church!). I am deeply saddened by the havoc that abortion reaps in the lives of women who’ve had abortions. I feel as if I’m training for war on the front lines. And really, the more I learn about abortion and how much pain it brings to numerous lives, I am convinced that this work is battle on the front lines. Be assured, all of the counseling done in these centers is done out of love. There is no accusation or manipulation. We simply desire that these women realize they have choices beyond abortion. Many of the women who volunteer at this and other PRCs have had abortions. Some of them testify to not knowing their options; they thought abortion was the only option out of an unplanned pregnancy. Their stories will break your heart; but they also resemble the hope that comes in Christ’s redeeming love. I am so honored to be given the opportunity to perhaps lead a woman to see that whether or not she will have or has had an abortion, the psychological, emotional, and spiritual ramifications of her decision may be healed through the healing recovery offered in Christ’s love and word. Beyond abortion counseling, PRCs also provide resources and support for women who decide to keep their babies but who may need pre-natal and parenting support. Please, if you are touched by this kind of ministry, seek out a PRC in your area and see how you can help!

I’m enjoying being a part of Del Oro Hills Community Church. I’m re-establishing friendships that were a part of my life when I was a child; this is a great joy to me! Also, I’m currently leading the 20-Somethings group in a study of Dennis Kinlaw’s We Live as Christ. We’re going to take soup to the homeless on March 5, and look forward to various other community evangelism projects. I’m thrilled to be a part of this group that is truly sold out for Jesus! Please pray for our group!

May the great and powerful love of the Heavenly Father reach you in your inmost being,


"...We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." -Colossians 1:9-10


Tonya said...

The Pregnancy Resource Center loved the blankets. Thanks for all your help in that ministry. I think we should continue making them every so often, they were pretty easy and they loved them to be able to give out to expecting clients. Those ladies were so sweet, that is awesome that you are volunteering some time over there Amy. God Bless you my sister, you are awesome!! Love the post...check out my blog!!


jawolheter said...

Amy, it is so great to hear how God is using you in California. Keep up the good work and the good posts, they are very encouraging to read :)
Love the Wolheters :)