Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Going to India! (Aug 31-Sept 15)

The Subcontinent of India...where millions of people wait to hear the Gospel

The country of India covers an area of almost 2 million square miles. The population is over 1 billion people. Over 79% of the population is Hindu, over 12% is Muslim, over 2% is Christian, and the rest are various other religions, mostly eastern.

While religious toleration is a part of the constitution, it is not always a reality. Many Christian workers are persecuted for their work for the Gospel of Christ. For a Hindu or Muslim follower to convert to following Christ results in much persecution, not only for the new Christian, but also for those who are ministering to him/her.*

While in India on this trip, I will be training leaders in Bangalore, a city in Southern India. We will then travel to Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), where we will be casting the church planting vision to leaders in that area.

There are many unreached people groups in India, including the many Hindu castes, Muslims, and tribal groups. India needs churches that will bring people to Christ and minister to the needs of communities! DCPI is rising to that need by equipping pastors and leaders in India to reach their own people and culture.*

Please pray that leaders there:

· catch the vision to plant churches

· learn much from our time with them, so they can share it with others

· go on to plant dynamic, healthy churches to reach India for Christ!

*Info from Operation World

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